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What is imitation fox fur?

Dec 16/2022 / news / Author: DongJing

What is imitation fox fur: imitation fox fur is mainly made of acrylic fiber and polyester fiber.
1. Imitation fox fur is very close to fox fur in appearance and feel, and has excellent warmth retention property. High imitation fox fur is not only bright and beautiful in color, but also relatively cheap, which is acceptable to many people. . The production and supply are also relatively refined, so it is also very high-end and atmospheric to wear.
2. High imitation fox fur is one of the substitutes for real fox fur. Although it is a substitute, it is very close to fox fur in appearance and feel. Coats and furs made of high imitation fox fur are very warm. Sex, and the dry hair is very dense and soft, and the hair is relatively bright, but it is still relatively dark compared with fox fur.
3. Fox fur collars cannot be washed with water. Fox fur collars can only be cleaned with professional fur collar cleaners. When washing, be gentle. Do not use alkaline or acid cleaners. Fox fur collars cannot be washed in a washing machine, and they cannot be washed frequently, in order to maintain them better. The fluffy and warm fox fur collar is very popular.