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Home / News / What should we pay attention to during the manufacturing and dyeing process of ginger brown composite rolling cloth faux fur fabric?

What should we pay attention to during the manufacturing and dyeing process of ginger brown composite rolling cloth faux fur fabric?

Jan 26/2024 / news / Author: DongJing

The dyeing process when manufacturing ginger brown composite rolling cloth faux fur fabric is a critical step that affects the appearance, color uniformity and texture of the final product. The following are important points to note during the dyeing process:
Precise Dye Recipe:
Before starting the dyeing process, the ginger brown dye recipe must be precisely mixed. This involves ensuring that the type, concentration and ratio of dyes are correct to achieve the desired shade.
Sample pre-test:
Before proceeding with large-scale staining, it is important to perform sample pre-testing. This helps confirm whether the dyeing effect is as expected by the designer and make necessary adjustments before mass production.
Temperature and time control:
Temperature and time are two key parameters in the dyeing process. Be sure to maintain the proper temperature and time in the dye bath to ensure adequate dye penetration and an even, long-lasting color.
Stirring and circulation system:
Use a stirring and circulation system to ensure even distribution of dye liquor and avoid color differences. This is critical for high-volume production to ensure consistent dyeing results on every fabric.
Color uniformity testing:
Samples need to be checked regularly for color uniformity during the dyeing process. Sampling and analysis can be used to ensure that each roll or piece of fabric in the entire batch reaches a consistent ginger brown color.
Stain selection:
It is important to choose dyes that are friendly to the fabric and the environment. The application of environmentally friendly dyes meets the sustainable development standards of modern manufacturing and helps reduce adverse impacts on the environment.
Avoid over-staining:
Control the dyeing time and avoid over-dying to prevent the fabric from stiffening or losing texture. Over-dying may also result in a darker color that does not meet the design requirements.
Monitoring of reaction speed:
The reaction speed of dyes is directly related to the dyeing effect. By monitoring the reaction speed, the dyeing parameters can be adjusted in time to ensure that each piece of fabric can obtain a consistent ginger brown color.
Control of dyeing depth:
Controlling the dip depth of the dye solution is an important factor in ensuring uniform dyeing of the entire fabric. Through appropriate process parameters, the dye can fully penetrate into every fiber of the fabric.
Post-processing process:
Once dyeing is complete, perform appropriate post-processing processes to ensure color durability. This may include steps such as rinsing, fixing and finishing to improve the quality and durability of the fabric.